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How To Beat and Capture Congalala in Monster Hunter Wilds

by Alexander Mar 04,2025

Mastering the Congalala in Monster Hunter Wilds: A Comprehensive Guide

With Monster Hunter Wilds launched, understanding its creatures is crucial. This guide focuses on the Congalala, offering valuable strategies for both combat and capture.

Congalala in Monster Hunter Wilds

Image Source: Capcom via The Escapist

Congalala Overview:

  • Habitat: Forests, Wyveria
  • Weaknesses: Fire, Ice
  • Effective Status Effects: Poison, Sleep, Paralysis, Blastblight, Stun, Exhaust
  • Useful Items: Flash Pods, Shock Traps, Pitfall Traps

This large, pink fanged beast utilizes mushroom-based breath attacks inflicting various status ailments.

Defeating the Congalala:

Fighting the Congalala

Image Source: Capcom via The Escapist

Maintain mobility to avoid its breath attacks, especially from the front and rear. Prioritize attacking its forelegs for optimal openings. After consuming a mushroom, exploit its gas attacks for safe head, tail, and rear strikes. Use deodorant or water to cleanse status effects. Utilize Focus Mode and Focus Strikes for significant damage, particularly during breath attacks or ground smashes.

Capturing the Congalala:

Capturing the Congalala

Image Source: Capcom via The Escapist

Once the skull icon appears on the minimap, indicating low health, set a Shock or Pitfall Trap near its sleeping spot. Use Tranq Bombs to capture it.

Congalala Rewards:

Materials Frequency
Congalala Pelt 5x
Congalala Claw 5x
Vibrant Pelt 3x
Congalala Fang 2x
Congalala Certificate 1x

Unlockable titles are awarded for hunting milestones (20, 30, 40, and 50 Congalalas).

Monster Hunter Wilds is available now on PlayStation, Xbox, and PC.

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