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Desbloqueie recompensas festivas no Dota 2 da Valve

by Matthew Jan 21,2025

Festive Infusion Requirements Points Earned How to Earn

Crystallized Joy

Win Matches, Collect Bounty Runes, Kill Couriers 30, 1, 4 Win games, collect Bounty Runes, kill enemy couriers.

Essence of Friendship

Play in a Party, Heal Allies, Get Assists, High Fives 10, 0.0002, 1, 2, 2 Play with friends, heal allies, get assists, high-five teammates and enemies.
Concentrated Whimsy

Steal Hats, Get Kills, Damage Enemy Heroes 5, 1, 0.0001 Steal Frostivus Hats, kill enemy heroes, deal damage to enemy heroes.

Festive Spirit

Give Tips, Receive Tips, Hit with Snowball, Bump Penguins, Build Snowman 4, 4, 10, 0.5, 5 Tip allies/enemies, hit enemies with snowballs before kills, bump penguins, build a snowman before first blood.
Dota 2 Frostivus 2025: um guia festivo para desbloquear recompensas O evento Frostivus do

Dota 2

está aqui, oferecendo uma chance de ganhar recompensas festivas! Embora não haja novos minijogos, completar tarefas específicas do jogo lhe renderá Infusões Festivas, a chave para desbloquear vários itens. Este guia detalha como obter essas infusões e criar suas recompensas.

Como coletar infusões festivas

Festive Infusion Requirements Points Earned How to Earn
Crystallized Joy Win Matches, Collect Bounty Runes, Kill Couriers +30, +1, +4 Win games, collect Bounty Runes, kill enemy couriers.
Essence of Friendship Play in a Party, Heal Allies, Get Assists, High Fives +10, +0.0002, +1, +2, +2 Play with friends, heal allies, get assists, high-five teammates and enemies.
Concentrated Whimsy Steal Hats, Get Kills, Damage Enemy Heroes +5, +1, +0.0001 Steal Frostivus Hats, kill enemy heroes, deal damage to enemy heroes.
Festive Spirit Give Tips, Receive Tips, Hit with Snowball, Bump Penguins, Build Snowman +4, +4, +10, +0.5, +5 Tip allies/enemies, hit enemies with snowballs before kills, bump penguins, build a snowman before first blood.
Para desbloquear recompensas Frostivus, você precisará reunir cinco tipos de infusões festivas. Cada infusão requer a conclusão de ações diferentes nas partidas.<🎜> <🎜><🎜><🎜> <🎜>A tabela a seguir descreve os requisitos para cada tipo de infusão:<🎜> <🎜>
Tier Name How to Unlock Available Rewards Required Festive Fusions Crafting Limit

Tier I

Unlocked from the start Random Voice Lines, Random Sprays 20 Crystallized Joy/Essence of Friendship, 20 Concentrated Whimsy/Festive Spirit 5/4
Tier II

Craft 2 Tier I Rewards Frostivus 2024 Loading Screen Treasure, Random Emoticons Various combinations of Infusions 10/8

Tier III

Craft 3 Tier II Rewards Frostivus 2024 Tormentor Skin, Ruddy and Rannoff Courier Various combinations of Infusions 1/1


Craft 2 Tier III Rewards 5 Random Crownfall Act Tokens (I-IV) Various combinations of Infusions 5 (per Act)


Craft 2 Tier III Rewards Frostivus 2023 Treasure Chest 30 of each Infusion type 5

Tier Name How to Unlock Available Rewards Required Festive Fusions Crafting Limit
Tier I Unlocked from the start Random Voice Lines, Random Sprays 20 Crystallized Joy/Essence of Friendship, 20 Concentrated Whimsy/Festive Spirit 5/4
Tier II Craft 2 Tier I Rewards Frostivus 2024 Loading Screen Treasure, Random Emoticons Various combinations of Infusions 10/8
Tier III Craft 3 Tier II Rewards Frostivus 2024 Tormentor Skin, Ruddy and Rannoff Courier Various combinations of Infusions 1/1
Crownfall Craft 2 Tier III Rewards 5 Random Crownfall Act Tokens (I-IV) Various combinations of Infusions 5 (per Act)
Legacy Craft 2 Tier III Rewards Frostivus 2023 Treasure Chest 30 of each Infusion type 5
Premium Purchase Pathfinder Pack 5 Crownfall Store Coin, Crownfall Sticker Capsule 60/20 of each Infusion type 2/10
Purchase Pathfinder Pack 5 Crownfall Store Coin, Crownfall Sticker Capsule 60/20 of each Infusion type 2/10

Desbloqueando e criando recompensas na Forja Frostivus

<🎜> <🎜>Acesse a Forja Frostivus no menu principal para criar recompensas. Eles são divididos em níveis, cada um com um limite de fabricação.<🎜> <🎜><🎜><🎜> <🎜>Aqui está um detalhamento dos níveis de recompensa e seus requisitos de criação:<🎜> <🎜> <🎜>Ao escolher heróis estrategicamente e focar em tarefas específicas, você pode coletar com eficiência as infusões necessárias e reivindicar todas as recompensas Frostivus! Lembre-se de se juntar a amigos para maximizar seus ganhos de Essência de Amizade.<🎜>
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