Embark on an extraordinary journey in Sword Immortal that transports you to a parallel world filled with mythical creatures and ancient wonders. As the protagonist, you stumble upon a breathtaking scene of Nine Dragons pulling a mysterious coffin, which leads you into a forbidden land. After surviving relentless attacks from monstrous creatures, a wise master takes you under his wing and unlocks your hidden potential. Through defeating enemies, you gain spiritual power that can be used to enhance your attributes. Venture into hidden realms to discover valuable equipment and materials to forge powerful weapons. Along the way, make allies with celestial companions, strengthen your relationships through outings, and enlist their aid in your cultivation. Prepare to be immersed in a world of adventure, power, and friendship in this extraordinary idle game.
Features of Sword Immortal:
With its casual and engaging gameplay, Sword Immortal is the perfect game to experience an exciting cultivator journey. Click now to download Sword Immortal and dive into this extraordinary adventure!
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