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解鎖The Roisterous Crew:Castle Crashers的角色名冊指南

by Caleb Feb 25,2025

釋放完整陣容:解鎖所有 城堡崩潰的綜合指南 角色

Castle Crashers'熱鬧的在線合作遊戲玩法被其多樣的角色演員放大。本指南詳細介紹了如何為最終團隊獲得每個可玩角色。強烈建議使用合作遊戲來最大程度地提高您的角色收集。

Castle Crashers Character Unlock Guide




Character NameUnlock Method
Green KnightStarting character
Red KnightStarting character
Blue KnightStarting character
Orange KnightStarting character
Gray KnightDefeat the Barbarian boss
BarbarianWin King’s Arena
ThiefWin Thieves’ Arena
ConeheadWin Volcano Arena
PeasantWin Peasant’s Arena
IceskimoWin Ice Arena
AlienComplete Alien Ship
Royal GuardComplete the game as the Green Knight
SaracenComplete the game as the Royal Guard
SkeletonComplete the game as the Red Knight
BearComplete the game as the Skeleton
IndustrialistComplete the game as the Blue Knight
FencerComplete the game as the Industrialist

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