此高级祈祷时间申请为喀拉拉邦和全球的地点提供精确可靠的Azan和Iqama Times。它的准确性使其适合通过通过AUX电缆连接到放大器,在各种环境中用作数字木丁蛋白,例如购物中心,医院或企业的清真寺。该应用程序的大屏幕兼容性允许用作Azan显示屏。
Note: (Malayalam text translated: This app provides 100% accurate prayer time notifications. It can be used as a substitute for a Muadin in mosques located in shopping malls etc. by connecting it to an amplifier via an aux cable. Because of its Android TV support, it can also function as an Azan display in prayer rooms within institutions such as malls, schools, colleges, and hospitals.)
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