"Grade-A Bully" is a captivating visual novel that invites you to step into the shoes of Dia, a young adult studying magic. When she finds herself trapped in a classroom with her school bully, an unexpected journey unfolds. As they navigate this forced interaction, you'll uncover a compelling story filled with twists and turns. With an estimated playtime of just 15 minutes, this immersive app will keep you engaged from beginning to end. Download now and experience the power of friendship and magic in "Grade-A Bully!"
Immerse yourself in a magical academy and embark on an unforgettable journey where Dia must confront her school bully. With an intriguing storyline, interactive dialogue, and a thrilling locked room mystery, this app offers a unique and exciting gaming experience. With a short playtime of approximately 15 minutes, it's the perfect choice for those seeking a quick and enjoyable break. Don't miss out on the developer's future projects by following their social media accounts. Click here to download now and begin your magical adventure!
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