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How to Beat and Capture Ebony Odogaron in Monster Hunter Wilds

by Emery Mar 17,2025

Confronting the Ebony Odogaron in the Ruins of Wyveria within *Monster Hunter Wilds* presents a significant challenge. This swift guardian is arguably the game's fastest creature, demanding strategic combat.

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Monster Hunter Wilds Ebony Odogaron Boss Fight

Screenshot by The Escapist

Known Habitats: Ruins of Wyveria

Breakable Parts: Head, Tail, Legs

Recommended Elemental Attack: Water

Effective Status Effects: Poison (2x), Sleep (2x), Paralysis (3x), Blastblight (2x), Stun (2x), Exhaust (-)

Effective Items: Pitfall Trap, Shock Trap, Flash Pod

Stunning the Speed Demon

Ebony Odogaron's incredible speed is its most frustrating trait. Stunning it is key to survival. Utilize nearby Flashflies for a quick stun, or craft Flash Pods for a more reliable method of immobilization.

Teamwork Makes the Dream Work

Soloing Ebony Odogaron is a grueling endeavor. Summoning allies via SOS flares is highly recommended. Even if human players don't respond, helpful NPCs can act as valuable distractions, allowing you to focus on dodging while they draw the monster's attention.

Environmental Advantage: Entangled Rocks

In specific areas, strategically positioned Entangled Rocks can be brought down with your slinger, stunning the Ebony Odogaron for a crucial window of opportunity. Remember, this tactic is a one-time use per fight. Combine this with Pitfall and Shock Traps for additional immobilization chances.

Countering Dragonblight

Ebony Odogaron inflicts Dragonblight, hindering your ability to apply elemental or status effects. Carry Nulberries to quickly cleanse this debilitating ailment, or equip a decoration with Level 3 Dragon Resistance or Blight Resistance for proactive protection.

Paralysis: A Powerful Tool

Paralysis is incredibly effective against Ebony Odogaron, temporarily halting its movements. Ideally, try to trigger this status effect while it's near roots to maximize its entrapment and deal significant damage.

Targeting Weak Points

The Ebony Odogaron's head boasts a 3-star weakness, maximizing damage output. However, this exposes you to its attacks. Consider targeting its forelegs and tail for less damage but a safer approach, offering a chance to break limbs.

Related: Monster Hunter Wilds Weapon Tier List (Best Weapons to Use)

Capturing the Beast

Capturing Ebony Odogaron requires reducing its health to 20% or less and then using a Pitfall or Shock Trap. Failing to meet the health threshold will result in a failed capture attempt.

Guardian Hunt result.

Screenshot by The Escapist

Monster Hunter Wilds is available now on PlayStation, Xbox, and PC.

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