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Pokémon TCG: Destined Rivals Preorders Live - Top Tips to Secure

by Hannah Mar 26,2025

The excitement is palpable as Pokémon TCG's next big release, Destined Rivals, approaches. I'm already clearing shelf space and mentally preparing to splurge on an Elite Trainer Box that I absolutely don't need but will definitely buy. This set is a treasure trove for fans, bringing back Trainer's Pokémon, reintroducing Team Rocket for more villainous antics, and showcasing some of the most stunning card art we've seen in a while. Whether you're a collector of flashy cards or simply revel in the thrill of strategic gameplay, Destined Rivals is set to captivate you.

The Pokémon Center website has undergone some intriguing "maintenance" and is now open for preorders. If you miss out there, keep an eye on Amazon, Target, Best Buy, and other major retailers, where listings are expected to go live soon. It's time to refresh those pages like it's Black Friday for battle decks. Here's your guide to securing your preorder this week.

Pokémon TCG: Destined Rivals US Preorders

Pokémon TCG: Destined Rivals Amazon Preorders

1See it at Amazon

Pokémon TCG: Destined Rivals Best Buy Preorders

3See it at Best Buy

Pokémon TCG: Destined Rivals Walmart Preorders

2See it at Walmart

Pokémon TCG: Destined Rivals Target Preorders

1See it at Target

Destined Rivals UK Preorders

Pokémon TCG: Destined Rivals Amazon Preorders
Pokémon TCG: Destined Rivals Argos Preorders
Pokémon TCG: Destined Rivals Pokémon Center Preorders
Pokémon TCG: Destined Rivals Magic Madhouse Preorders

When Does Destined Rivals Officially Launch?

Mark your calendars for May 30, 2025, the official release date for Destined Rivals. That's when all sealed products will be shipped and available on shelves, provided there's any stock left. The Pokémon Company has been working to address ongoing stock shortages, but it's wise to act fast. Between May 17 and 25, select stores will host pre-release events with Build & Battle boxes and early access tournaments. If you're interested, reach out to your local league store now—perhaps with a few snacks to sweeten the deal.

What Products Will Be Launching With This Set?

Let's be honest, we all tell ourselves we'll just buy one item and be done. It's a comforting lie, much like promising to hit the gym three times a week. Here's what you can expect when Destined Rivals hits the market:

  • Booster Packs
  • Booster Boxes (36 packs)
  • Elite Trainer Box
  • Pokémon Center Exclusive Elite Trainer Box
  • Booster Bundle (6 packs)
  • Triple-pack blisters
  • Build & Battle Box
  • Build & Battle Stadium

We're also likely to see special collection boxes featuring alternate art promos, especially of characters like Cynthia, Misty, Ethan, or Marnie. You might not need them, but you'll definitely convince yourself otherwise.


Cards That Should Be In Destined Rivals

Here's the full expected card list by Japanese set origin:

Heat Wave Arena

  • Ethan’s Ho-Oh ex
  • Cynthia’s Garchomp ex
  • Cynthia’s Roserade
  • Misty’s Psyduck, Staryu, Starmie, Magikarp, Gyarados, Lapras
  • Ethan’s Cyndaquil, Quilava, Typhlosion
  • Ethan’s Slugma, Magcargo
  • Hydrapple line
  • Yanmega ex
  • Zeraora, Electivire ex, Rotom, Manectric
  • Steven’s Metang (alt print)
  • Arven’s Mabostiff ex
  • Marnie’s Impidimp (alt print)
  • Applin, Dipplin
  • Ogerpon (Teal Mask, Hearthflame Mask, Wellspring Mask, Cornerstone Mask variants)
  • Cynthia’s Milotic, Feebas
  • Buizel, Floatzel, Dondozo ex
  • Dwebble, Crustle
  • Shaymin
  • Ponyta, Rapidash
  • Arven’s Toedscool, Toedscruel
  • Arven’s Maschiff, Skwovet, Greedent
  • Mudbray, Mudsdale
  • Electabuzz
  • Ethan’s Pinsir, Ethan’s Pichu
  • Trainer Cards: Judge, Ethan’s Adventure, Cynthia’s Power Weight, Sacred Ash, MC’s Hype Up, Spikemuth Gym

The Glory of Team Rocket

  • Team Rocket’s Mewtwo ex
  • Team Rocket’s Spidops
  • Team Rocket’s Meowth, Persian ex
  • Team Rocket’s Porygon, Porygon2, Porygon-Z
  • Team Rocket’s Tarountula
  • Trainer Cards: Team Rocket’s Giovanni, Archer, Ariana, Receiver
  • Special Energy: Team Rocket Energy

Steven’s Starter Deck

  • Steven’s Metagross ex
  • Steven’s Skarmory, Beldum, Metang
  • Steven’s Carbink
  • Steven’s Claydol, Baltoy
  • Trainer Card: Granite Cave

Marnie’s Starter Deck

  • Marnie’s Grimmsnarl ex
  • Marnie’s Impidimp, Morgrem, Liepard, Scrafty
  • Marnie’s Purrloin, Scraggy
  • Trainer Cards: Energy Recycler (reprint), Spikemuth Gym

Destined Origins Cards I’ve Got My Eye On

I'm already envisioning multiple binders filled with these cards, but a few have already claimed a spot on my mental wishlist:

  • Cynthia’s Garchomp ex: A powerhouse card that combines big damage with hand draw and the confident swagger of a champion. I'm aiming to get three of these.
  • Ethan’s Ho-Oh ex: A perfect blend of utility and flair, this card accelerates Fire Energy effortlessly and heals your team while dealing 160 damage. It's a must-have.
  • Team Rocket’s Mewtwo ex: Dramatic and demanding, this card only attacks if you've built a full Rocket-themed deck around it. Its energy manipulation is chaotic and thrilling.
  • Misty’s Psyduck: A card that's as amusing as it is strategic, allowing you to discard it to the top of your deck for... well, reasons. It's endearing and I'm all in.
  • Marnie’s Grimmsnarl ex: Embodying villainous energy, this Dark-type card thrives on energy acceleration and disruption. It's a throwback to 2020's competitive scene, and I'm ready to relive it.
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